Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Collecting Friends Along The Way, PM-002

This is a Members' Only figurine to commemorate precious moments club's 20th Anniversary. This figurine depicts a sweet little girl picking up different animals to put into the basket, whom she regards as her best friends. With a total of 20 animals sculpted on this figurine.

Sam has met many people that have been touched by the precious moments collections and he says it brings him joy to see how much the figurines mean ti them. This figurine was designed to honor all the special people in our lives, be they family, friends or club members.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

How Precious Moments Figurines And Collectibles Are Made...

Put On A Happy Face, PM-822

Put On A Happy Face, PM-822

This figurine was made to inspire collectors to show their happy side. Sam says it's really hard to take off your mask and show a "Sunny Side". This little clown figurine has become a success and has won the hearts of many collectors.

Every piece has its own story . . .

Behind every figurine tells a story by itself that inspires and bring joy to people. One of the many precious moments figurines that i would like to share is "Part Of Me Wants To Be Good" 12149.

A very special young man, Albern Cuidad, who lived in the Philippines was the inspiration for this figurine. He was always getting into trouble but he was so lovable you couldn't help but like him. He often said " Please forgive me, i really meant to be good".

Annual Production Marks

The annual production marks, located on the bottom of the figurine's production and symbolize an inspirational of the bases of Precious moments figurines, reveal the year message.

UM No mark - Before 1981 and prior or Chapel pieces

Triangle - mid 1981
Symbol of The Holy Trinity- God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost

Hourglass - 1982
Represents the time we have on earth to serve the Lord

Fish - 1983
Earliest symbol used by believers of the early apostolic church

Cross - 1984
Symbol of Christianity recognized worldwide

Dove - 1985
Symbol of love and peace

Olive Branch - 1986
Symbol of peace and understanding

Cedar Tree - 1987
Symbol of strength, beauty and preservation

Flower - 1988
Represents God's love for his children

Bow & Arrow - 1989
Represents the power of the Bible

Flame - 1990
For those who have gone through the fire of life and found comfort in believing

Vessel - 1991
A reminder of God's love which flows through the vessel of life

G-Clef - 1992
Symbolizes the harmony of God's love

Butterfly - 1993
Represents the rebirth of man who comes from the darkness into the light

Trumpet - 1994
Represents loving, caring and sharing; also signifies a battle cry and a herald of victory

Ship - 1995
Ships, which are mentioned many times in the Scriptures, symbolically portray a message of hope

Heart - 1996
Symbol of love

Sword - 1997
From Hebrews 4:12, "For the Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword."

Eyeglasses - 1998
Symbolizes Precious Moments' twentieth year and "the vision's still the same"

Star - 1999
From Matthew 2:2, "Where is He who has been born Kings of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him

Egg - 2000
From Sam Butcher, "I have chosen the egg because it symbolizes the new millennium and a new beginning. Just as we know little of what the twenty- first century will bring, no one knows what is taking place inside an egg. Nor will they completely understand until it is hatched and God's wonderful plan is revealed. The egg speaks of birth, of new things to come- things known only to God, alone.

Sandal - 2001
The sandal represents our journey with the Lord

Cross in Heart - 2002
Keeping faith in his heart, Sam chose a cross surrounded by a heart to symbolize faith. It is representative of the importance of faith now and in the next century

Crown - 2003
The crown represents glory, dignity and sovereignty. This is what Sam Butcher feels Precious Moments is all about.

Three-Petal Flower - 2004
In the world of Precious Moments, each petal in this flower symbolizes part of the message "loving, caring and sharing"

Bread - 2005
Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life: he who comes to me shall not hungry, and he who believes in me shall never thirst." John 6:35

House - 2006
From Psalm 122:1-2, "I was glad when they said to me, Let us go to the house of the Lord! Our feet have been standing within your gates, O Jerusalem."

Hammer- 2007
Hebrew 3: 4, "For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything."

Stylized PM Heart- 2008

Sheaf of Wheat- 2009

Special Production Marks

Unmarked- Most of the Chapel Exclusives were Unmarked in their first year of release and some were Unmarked throughout their production years. Some figurines produced after 1981, by error, do not have production mark.

Diamond- Appeared on #10334 "We Belong To The Lord"

Rosebud- Appeared on 525049 "Good Friends Are Forever"

Flag- 1991 Edition of "Bless Those Who Serve Their Country"

Flag with Star- 1992 Edition of "Bless Those Who Serve Their Country"

4 Star Flag- "America Forever" Series

Source taken from "The official precious moments Collector's Guide to Figurines, Third Edition."

In general figurines that has the "first Mark" tends to be more expensive, especially the Original 21. Some of these figurines can easily fetch up to few hundred in the secondary market due to the rarity of these pieces.

History Of Precious Moments

Mr Samuel John Butcher first started out by creating beautiful drawn gifts for his friends and relatives that illustrate lovely children with tear dropped shaped eyes, he called these his "Precious Moments". His talent for artistic creations blossomed at a tender age. With the encouragement from his mother, Sam attended the Art Formal Training after his high school and received a scholarship to attend Berkeley's Arts & Crafts College.

In 1970's Sam along with Mr. Bill Biel started their own Precious Moments line of art such as stationery, posters and cards with all of Sam's drawings on them. With the wonderful and creative line of artworks, it has gain great popularity whereby retailers enthusiastically await to place many orders for their new artwork.

A few years later, Enesco Corporations Head, Mr. Gene Friedman, contacted Sam and talked him into letting Enesco create a figurine based on Sam's artwork called "Love One Another". Fujiokasan is the master sculptor to bring Sam's art to life. Upon seeing the figurine, Sam was so touched by the outcome that he actually wept. That was literally the most crucial moment in its history.

Twenty-one beautiful and original figurines were out in the markets by the year 1978. The collection was a major success and Sam received thousands of inspirational letters from customers who told him how those figurines had meant so much to their lives and how they had brought such joy into them as well. In the year 2005, Precious Moments, Inc. came to life and every year new figurines are introduce to the world and web sites are found with all sorts of collectors and fan links to them.


Hi, welcome to my blog on Precious Moments Figurine! I have been collecting Precious Moments figurine since the mid of 2007 and has grown since then. In this blog I would like to share with you information, references and showcase some of my precious moments figurine collections. As there are over 2000 figurines being produced, it is not possible for me to collect all of them. Hence my collection has to be narrowed down to certain themes which include Angels, Couples, Chapel Exclusives and Limited Editions.